GVRDC August Horse Trials
Cross Country Maps
Genesee Valley Riding & Driving Club H.T. (Aug 2024)
USEA Event ID: 18555
Genesee Valley Riding & Driving Club H.T. | Geneseo, New York (AREA 1)
Event Date: Aug 17 - 18th, 2024
Open Date: July 2nd
Close Date: July 30th
Address: 4128 Roots Tavern Road, Geneseo, NY 14454. From East & West: Thruway Exit 46 to 390 South to Exit 9/Lakeville. Left off exit (Rt.15 S) for 9/10 mi. to first right on Triphammer Rd. to end. Left on Rt. 39 to second right on Roots Tavern Rd. Grounds 1/2 mile on left. From South: Rt. 390 to Exit 7/Geneseo. Right off Exit. Follow signs to Geneseo. Left on Main St. (Rt. 39). Second left after High School to Roots Tavern Rd. Grounds 1/2 mile on left. Roots Tavern Rd. is approx. 4 miles from Geneseo.
USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T,T-CH,N,N-CH,BN,BN-CH
USEF/USEA Recognized: P,P-CH,M,M-CH
USEA Recognized Tests: Starter,Starter-CH
Tentative Schedule:
Coming Soon.
Starting Times:
Available at www.gvrdc.org or www.AreaIUSEA.org. Cross country and show jumping schedules may be adjusted as entries warrant, please verify your ride times online at the start of the competition.
Event Officials
Coming soon
Send Entries to:
Liz Johnson, Secretary 141 Tuck Drive Fremont, NH 03044 Phone 774-217-0302 Email: liz@onthebitevents.com Web: www.gvrdc.org
Online entries appreciated - EventEntries preferred!! Xentry and mailed entries accepted!
Org: GeneseeValleyRiding & Driving Club and Liz Johnson; 141 Tuck Dr., Fremont, NH 03044; liz@onthebitevents.com; 774-217-0302
Coming Soon
Electronic entries are greatly appreciated.Evententries.com and Xentry for online entries. Online entries only accepted if payment is included and missing paperwork is immediately emailed to the secretary. Completed entries include payment, signed release form, USEF waiver and negative coggins. Stabled competitors must submit a USEA stabling form. To avoid incomplete or late fees, entries must be completed by the closing date. Please help us to complete entries and communication ahead of time! Any entry which is incomplete as of 3:00 pm Tuesday August 5th will be charged an additional $20 INCOMPLETE FEE. This includes missing/incomplete signature pages, Coggins, horse or rider numbers, etc. and MUST be completed in order to pick-up rider packets. Championship Competitors must indicate CHAMPIONSHIP DIVISION. All others, please state division preference on entry form as levels may be further divided. Rider, Horse and Junior Divisions will be offered in accordance with the Rider & Horse definition under Appendix 31.5 & 1.6 of the 2023 USEF Rules for Eventing, if entries warrant. Entry status, times, live scoring and results will be available from EventEntries. Link posted at www.gvrdc.org and https://area1usea.org. Secretary correspondence will be via email. Please include legible email on entry form. It is the competitor's responsibility to be familiar with qualification requirements and to elect the proper divisions. Please check website regularly to confirm entry status and contact immediately if you have been placed in the wrong division. All entries include a $25 non-refundable office fee. Entry confirmation and status will be posted on www.gvrdc.org and the Area 1 website. Double entries: Not accepted. USEA membership and horse registration required for all levels except Starter. Starter riders are exempt from USEA membership and horse registration, and the USEA Starter fee does not apply. Neg. Coggins required for all out of state horses within 12 months of competition; Neg. Coggins for New York State horses dated on or after January 1, 2022. Coggins must accompany entry. Please note that entries are not considered complete until signed, paid in full, and include complete paperwork (i.e., coggins and signatures). In fairness to all, incomplete entries will not be placed in draw until complete.Changes: $25 fee for all entry changes after CD. Incomplete Fee: $20 for entries not completed by the C.D. Post Entries:If event is undersubscribed by CD, post entries will be accepted. Postentry fee: $50 will be assessed to each entry accepted after the closing date. Refunds: Before CD: Less $25 non-refundable office fee; After CD: only if entry can be filled from wait list; Stabling only if stall can be filled from wait list. Competition cancellation: partial credit refund. Reminder: All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement, to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found at www.usef.org. Double Entries:Not accepted. Management reserves the right to restrict the number of entries per rider per level. Please contact secretary directly if you are planning to enter more than two horses at the same level. ***PLEASE EMAIL SECRETARY WITH ENTRY RELATED QUESTIONS BUT DO NOT EMAIL YOUR ENTRIES THEMSELVES***
Competitor Information
Prizes and ribbons per division as follows: Championship Divisions: Ribbons awarded 1-6 plus additional championship prizes. Ribbons for 1-6 for all HT divisions and additional sponsored prizes. GVRDC Travel Award Vouchers: To qualify travel to the GVRDC Horse trials must be a minimum of 200 miles each way. A $100 gas voucher will be awarded to the competitor with the best score within their division at each level: P, M, T, BN, & Starter. Thoroughbred Incentive Program(TIP) Awards: Champion and Reserve Champion ribbon and prize awarded at each level. TIP Eligibility: Riders/owners must submit a TIP number with entry for all horse/rider combinations to the secretary prior to the start of competition.
USEA stabling form required! Assign ONE NAME to each barn/stable group. We are pleased to bring upgraded temporary show stabling through FEI Stabling to GVRDC! Temporary stalls are 10'x10', semi-permanent, under a tent and are in addition to 40 permanent shed row stalls. Doors included with all stabling options. $150/stall from Friday noon to Monday noon and includes one complimentary bag of shavings Please be sure to conserve your water usage. Our water source is trucked in for the event and therefore limited. Enclose or mail a separate $40 refundable check payable to GVRDC as clean stall deposit (check will be destroyed when stall is stripped). 40 permanent stalls on grounds. Stall doors included. Additional shavings available for purchase at $10/bag. Veterinarian: Genesee Valley Equine Clinic (585) 889-1170). Emergency telephone numbers are posted at the event scoreboard and stabling. $150/tack stall. Shavings pre-orders with your your entry are greatly appreciated. There is a limited amount for sale on-site. SHARPS container located at Show Office and with veterinarian.
Quality Inn-5 mi., (585-243-0500); Hampton Inn-5 mi., (585-447-9040). Camping: Parking for RVs, but no hook-ups
Test & arena sizes: CHAMPIONSHIP DIVISIONS:P CH: 2022 USEF Preliminary Test C-large arena.M CH: 2022 USEF Modified Test C-large arena.T CH: 2022 USEF Training Test B-Sm.N CH: 2022 USEF Novice Test B-Sm.BN CH: 2022 USEF Beginner Novice Test B-Sm.Arenas: All competition arenas on sand. Warm-up: Grass for all arenas. HORSE TRIALS DIVISIONS:P-2022 USEF Preliminary Test A-Sm. M-2022 USEF Modified Test A-Sm.T-2022 USEF Training Test A-Sm.N-2022 USEF Novice Test A-Sm. BN-2022 USEF Beginner Novice Test A-Sm. Starter:2022 USEA Starter Test-Sm. Arenas: All competition arenas on sand. Warm-up: Grass for all arenas.
Coming Soon
Other Information:
Cross-country course closed until after event. Levels may be divided/combined as entries warrant; state preferences under the Eligible Section and list birth date on entry. Food on grounds. Dogs leashed. Owners of loose dogs will be fined $25. EV114 Dress 1. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR. a. At all levels of eventing competition, from beginner novice through advanced, at Federation Endorsed competitions and recognized competitions, riders must wear headgear as follows, except as may otherwise be mandated by local law (see also GR801): b. Upon arrival, anyone riding a horse must wear properly fitting protective headgear which passes or surpasses ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. Harness must be secured and properly fitted.
Reminder: All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found atwww.usef.org. EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULEBOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH.
Thank you 2023 GVRDC Horse Trials Sponsors for providing such fantastic sponsorship support! We are currently accepting various levels of sponsorships and have patron packages available for 2024. Please email sponsors@gvrdc.org for more details.